Saying 'See You Later' to Our Latest Intern, Elliot!

Written by Elliot Atherley

As I wrap up my internship with Continuum, I'm overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. Before I delve into the details of my experience, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the people who made it all possible. 

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Dan Hare for giving me this incredible opportunity. I also want to acknowledge the unwavering support I received from the team. Their encouragement and assistance throughout the development of my projects have been invaluable.  

This is an amazing chance to reflect on my time at Continuum and the great things I have taken part in from team mini golf and bowling to competing in team Hackathons, in London. I have developed a strong understanding of multiple platforms such as Power apps, Savant and Alteryx and completed both Alteryx core and advanced qualifications. I have assisted multiple projects within the team and gained valuable exposure to business processes.

As a Formula 1 fan, an incredible opportunity presented itself: I had the chance to compete in a McLaren-sponsored event, the first McLaren x Alteryx Datathon, where I was able to compete at the McLaren Technology centre as one of the 20 finalists with real formula 1 car data.  

A significant highlight of my internship was managing my own project for our client HR-Now. This project focused on implementing better data retention procedures to ensure compliance with data protection laws, providing peace of mind for our client. You can read more about that here.  

After graduating from Cardiff University with a BSc in Physics this summer I will be moving on to another career opportunity in the UK. However, none of this would have been possible without the personal and professional development provided by Continuum, I cannot recommend the bursary program enough!  

Thank you once again to everyone at Continuum for this incredible journey. Your support and guidance have been instrumental in my growth, and I am truly grateful for the experience. 


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