How to Migrate Your Data Better, Quicker and Cheaper

Data migrations and business acquisitions are an unfortunate fact of life for ambitious organisations.

Everyone hates them.
Data Migrations are always on the critical path and the most significant risk to any change or acquisition strategy, living in the gap between business and technology.

Not everyone hates them…we love them!

If a business doesn’t have the right tools, they end up using Excel. But the changing and poor quality input data are also impossible for your over-burdened technology team to manage in SQL effectively.

Lucky for you we have the answer - our award-winning experts can join your team on a pay-as-you-go basis at the speed of the project using our proprietary migration templates.

This means that you don’t have to find, pay and keep expensive resources on your team for your occasional but regular migration projects.

Our data-driven approach

We start by connecting your data to our templates, instantly providing data quality and gap analysis allowing you to either resolve issues at the source (recommended) or, where necessary, plug the gaps with mappings and default values, all transparent in our reusable workflows.

Then we recreate the import templates for your destination system from your actual data each time you are ready to populate the system for testing.

The re-runnable model means that you can do multiple migrations to an empty system allowing all your test cycles to take place on real data, smoking out issues early.

We can also repeatably pseudonymise the data if you need to use a test domain.


Request a free consultation today; even if you have started the migration it’s not too late for us to help !

If you are still not convinced…Our results speak for themselves

Clients testify that our approach is better, quicker and cheaper than Excel + SQL - over 8 times faster according to one client.

JTC Group have been using this approach since 2019 to find, value and integrate their targets quickly and well.

Nicola Holmes’ explanation is here, with another great success for Brooks Macdonald/Puritas/JTC explained here.


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