Accuro is a progressive trust and private office company that specializes in the private wealth sector, delivering services to families, entrepreneurs, and family businesses around the globe.

Alteryx was chosen for its “no-code” ability to rapidly input, blend, and analyze large and sometimes disparate data sources, primarily from our core application.

Using Alteryx has enabled us to query our data directly from our core application instance in a way like never before, giving us access to new views of our data that are not available natively from the source.

With our partnership and the expert support of Continuum, we were able to create robust and repeatable processes in Alteryx that query and report on our own data with no need for complex coding or database skills - previously, this sort of reporting would have been extremely manual and time-consuming.

Many thanks to Continuum for their passion and guidance in getting this far, and we look forward to continuing our partnership into the future leading to even more automation success!

Matt Such - Chief Technology Officer

“You don’t need new coders or developers in your team; you already have the all the data skills you need in your Excel-based analysts. Give them Alteryx and turbocharge their productivity!”

Ben Banim - Data Consultant, Continuum

Accuro now have a full suite of automated, and scheduled, Alteryx processes that produce routine MI from source with no manual effort, with a vision of producing even more to further increase their return on investment in Alteryx.


John Wood - Managing Director


Head of Investran Implementation, Large Financial and Corporate Services Organisation