Teodora’s Experience in Alteryx and Speaking at our User Group Event

Teodora’s Words…

My love affair with Alteryx started a couple of years ago, during my MSc. Lab rat turned computer nerd in my late 30s, I’ve discovered Alteryx after discussing my prospective career change with the Head of Health Informatics. Alteryx is an inherent part of the daily operations and if I wanted to work as part of the informatics team, I had familiarise myself with the tool. It was the best thing I ever did! 

I got a free licence key which is widely available to students and researchers and I started my Alteryx journey. It made the analytics part of my degree so much easier, as I didn’t have to worry about writing code and could focus more time on the numbers and the story within the data. Fast forward a couple of years, I’m a clever cog in the Informatics’ DevOps machine, Alteryx is second nature, and was able to employ it to build a binary classification machine learning model. We now have a working proof of concept model that can predict patient non-attendances! It’s an amazing step for applying current technology to operational processes, made easy by the Intelligence suite.

When I was invited to talk about it at the Alteryx User Group I was really grateful, proud and more than a little terrified at the amazing opportunity. I loved the chance to show other industry members and service users what we can achieve with current technology. As always Ben’s talk was informative and inspiring and Dan’s talk on chat GPT connectors was very exciting. Real world solutions using cutting edge technology are made easy by Alteryx integration. When it was my time to present, my first thought was: “I will not be able to speak”. Getting up in front of a room full of people was absolutely daunting, and if you watch the video you’ll see the terror and apprehension on my face in the first minute of getting up there. But, in true nerd spirit, as soon as I started talking about machine learning implementations using Alteryx, I was in my element. 

The Alteryx User Group events are fun, informative and a great way to connect with like-minded people, share experiences and user stories. It was a great experience and I look forward to the next event!

If you want to demonstrate your Alteryx skills at the next User Group event, please don’t hesitate to ask us: enquiries@continuum.je


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