How we help RBSI Work Well


We are delighted that RBSI chose Continuum to assist in meeting the requirements of the new Books & Records regulation with Alteryx.

Join our clients in improving your manual/code based processes - we prove it to you for free*.

Dave Johnson from Continuum was contracted to the Books & Records project as the developer for the Alteryx ETL processes, it was very apparent from the outset that Dave had a great deal of experience and knowledge on the Alteryx tool set. This came to the fore during the early design of the technical solution, there were issues around the toolsets available to RBSI to undertake the fundamental part of the Books & Records the reconciliation of the TDS record against the Customers Custodian record. Dave suggested Alteryx as a cost effective and robust alternative to the current in-house solutions to perform the reconciliation function as well as the ETL function. This delivered a significant cost saving to the overall project costs. Stuart Wild from Continuum was added to the project team to create a set of bespoke reconciliation applications within Alteryx for TDS.” -  Alan Lamond - Application Architect

You can read the full use case here and we have many similar uses cases telling the same story from a huge variety of clients, but if you want to see for yourself then contact us.

* As an Alteryx Premier Partner, we secure our clients an extended free trial of Alteryx.
We provide an enablement day at the start of the trial, only payable on successful demonstration of business value. The day starts with a short guided Alteryx introduction with a qualified trainer and tailored materials, followed by one of our expert consultants guiding you in solving your own business data challenges with re-runnable, code-free workflows.
You pay for this day when you are convinced that Alteryx solves your data issues (it does, otherwise we wouldn’t make this offer !) and buy your first Alteryx Licence.


Continuum named Alteryx Partner of the Year for UK and Northern Europe


Alteryx helping to transform hospital data in Jersey