Enterprise Finance - Standard Bank Automate Everything

So many corporate functions face the same problem – an overwhelming number of manual processes, which do not make good use of their employees’ skills.

This is one of the areas we at Continuum can help.

This blog is the first of an occasional series on how our clients are using Alteryx, in this case Standard Bank automated their manual processes.

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Standard Bank is a large international brand operating in multiple business areas and jurisdictions. Their main strategy is to be an Africa-focused, client-centred and digitally-enabled financial services organisation. On their journey to automation, they saved thousands of hours per year using Alteryx workflows to collect, format, analyse and deploy data.

Katrin Erb is the Finance Automations Manager at Standard Bank and also a co-leader of the Channel Islands Alteryx user group, learn in this use case why Alteryx makes her feel confident to take on the toughest data challenges.


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