CATCH UP on our Channel Islands User Group 2021.1 Webinar
It was great to see so many regular attendees and a host of new faces yesterday. The new members of the Continuum team thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Apologies for the audio and visual issues with the Power BI section. We have re-recorded that section and merged with the session recording, we have also added time stamps so you can jump to the items below:
06:40 - Updates in the newest release of Alteryx Designer
10:14 - Server Updates
12:00 - Power BI integration Demo
21:30 - Tangent Works Time series integration with Alteryx
28:12 - Dynamic Rename 5 Minute Tool Mastery
We mentioned the recap of the TMF Webinar, you can view that webinar here. We have updated the description so you can navigate the webinar.
Looking forward to seeing you all again for the release of 2021.2 and if you follow our EventBrite page you will get to find out first.